A Clever Way to Save on Prescriptions

Costs and Coverage, Value-Added Benefits


With nearly five billion scripts filled by the end of 2019, there is an incredibly high demand for ways to save on prescription medications. One of the ways students can save on their prescriptions is by using a prescription drug card.

Prescription discount cards, also known as “cash cards,” have been around for 30 plus years. With the increasing cost of prescription drugs, these cards can be highly effective. Most people are not aware of these cards and still assume their insurance is going to give them the best price. This has resulted in an alarming trend of patient non-compliance (failure to fill a prescription or to follow the treatment plan as advised). Non-compliance often leads to prolonged illness, increased plan and patient expense, hospitalization, and even life-threatening scenarios.  We can engage and empower students to take control of their health by educating them on all their options and providing them with the lowest drug price regardless of their health plan. This approach is expected to increase compliance and make a difference financially.

One of the greatest benefits of offering a prescription discount program to students is that it is available to all students. Students do not need to be on the Student Health Insurance Plan to use a prescription discount card, in fact, anyone can use one. This makes it an especially valuable for students not on the student health insurance plan who are uninsured or underinsured.

It can also help students on the plan find cost savings. Although not all drugs will be less expensive than what the plan will pay, those that are could end up saving the student a substantial amount of cash.

Another benefit of a prescription discount card is that it could save the current plan money. The insurance company doesn’t incur claims when a student uses a prescription discount card. This means it doesn’t go towards the plan experience. Lower claims experience = less increase in premium at renewal.

As we educate and arm students with the proper tools, they open a world of RX savings. Ultimately, we are working to change the behavior of how student access and pay for their prescription medications, so they can save big and afford the life-giving healthcare they need. Academic HealthPlans has partnered with Clever RX to offer prescription discount plans to you and your students.

Click here to try it today!