Health insurance

Why require student health insurance?

International Students, Risk Management, Student Affairs, Student Health

Let’s face it, student health insurance isn’t the most fun or interesting topic to talk about. Nonetheless, it is an essential part of any active and thriving college campus.

There has been a rapid increase of mental health issues, sexually transmitted diseases, and on-campus accidents that have a lot of campuses piling up millions of dollars in debt due in part to liability lawsuits.

Studies show that two-thirds of young adults struggling with mental illness do not seek treatment. Stress and anxiety are the two leading factors, and many students have no place to seek refuge.

The biggest argument against promoting student health insurance is the fight for the student to stay on their parent’s insurance.

Here’s why your students should have their own insurance

It’s no surprise that most people are under the impression that they could be saving money if they don’t buy insurance from a separate company. However, that’s not the case at all! In fact, most insurance companies will lower their costs to make it more affordable for students to buy from them.

 Also, in an effort to keep their clients happy, insurance companies will give students a choice on the type of coverage they want to have: hard or soft waiver? HMO? PPO? You name it. They understand that college students may have to pay for coverage on their own so they make sure their price is fair and includes anything they might need including: dental, vision, travel, and even professional counseling.

Coverage makes a difference

That’s why requiring student health insurance benefits both you and your students. Quality coverage at an affordable price is something no one should pass up, or they should at least be given the option.

 Otherwise, another leading cause of students leaving college prematurely is due to unforeseen circumstances– like an unexpected illness which will lead them to racking up large sums of debt in medical costs since they may not have coverage. The question then becomes, can you afford for your students to not have coverage?