International Students Archives – Academic HealthPlans
Students talking on college campus

Navigating Student Health Plans: Insights from Our Third National Student Benchmark Survey

Ancillary Coverages, Costs and Coverage, International Students, Risk Management, Student Health, Value-Added Benefits

by Elizabeth Marks, Senior Strategy Consultant

Good healthcare is connected to student success. Understanding student health plans helps insurers develop cost-saving strategies and support mental health needs. Analyzing trends and learning from student programs improves healthcare outcomes and enrollment rates, ensuring access for all students. In addition, creative solutions developed within student programs can serve as helpful inspiration for employee benefits teams.

With that, we’re pleased to present the findings of Risk Strategies’ Third National Student Benchmarking Survey, conducted between May and August 2023. The report features key findings around priorities and trends surrounding student health plans.

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Sprinter waiting for start of race on running tracks at outdoor stadium. Sport and fitness runner man athlete on blue run track with running shoes. Banner panorama.

Protecting Against Rising Athletic Insurance Premiums

Ancillary Coverages, International Students, Risk Management

A Foundational Approach

by Jeff Struckle, Specialty Insurance Solutions, Inc.

It is intriguing to watch the security measures put in place for large sporting events. Metal detectors,  bag checks, security personnel, and police officers are on-site to protect athletes, staff, and fans. While nothing can be 100% safe, the more measures put in place, the more things are protected.

Though not on the same scale, protecting an Athletic Accident Insurance plan is similar. The more layers of protection applied to insulate claims, the greater the likelihood expenses will be reduced. The in-house care provided by athletic trainers and the utilization of a student athlete’s primary health insurance plan are important risk management components. They serve as the foundation for protecting and reducing medical expenses on Athletic Accident Insurance plans. However, even with these in place, there is still significant exposure.

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Risk Strategies Student Health Practice Launches First Annual Survey to Look at Student Health Insurance Trends

Ancillary Coverages, Costs and Coverage, International Students, Risk Management, Student Affairs, Value-Added Benefits

15-minute survey incorporates analytics, set to become industry standard for health insurance insights; will provide beneficial data on student plans, costs, and future trends

Grapevine, TX June 22, 2021 – To provide the knowledge and insights that will help improve products and services for colleges and universities, as well as the students they serve, Risk Strategies Student Health Practice is sponsoring its first Annual Nationwide Student Health Benchmarking Survey. The independently developed and analyzed survey findings will establish and track national benchmarks year-over-year on school plan features and emerging trends in health care.

The Risk Strategies Student Health Practice is comprised of Academic HealthPlans (AHP), University Health Plans (UHP), and Specialty Insurance Solutions (SIS). Together, they provide student health insurance consulting and administrative services to over 350 institutions of higher education nationwide and serve more than 450,000 students.

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A Message from Terry Lyons on COVID-19

International Students, Student Health

The coronavirus (COVID‐19) outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation. As you work hard to keep your students safe and protected from the outbreak, we want you to know that we are working hard to be there for you.

Already, we’ve seen the impact of the pandemic on colleges and universities including school closures with online instruction requirements, cancellation of study abroad programs, and an influx of questions from students and parents regarding coverage for testing and treatment of COVID‐19.

The AHP team is prepared and fully staffed to partner with you and our health insurance partners to provide quick and accurate responses to these inquiries. We will continue to be available through normal communication channels to CARE for you and your students. The health and safety of our employees, students, and clients is our priority.

To ensure our employees are in the best position to navigate issues arising from COVID-19, AHP has created a Care Task Force Team, comprised of company leaders across all departments. This team touches base daily to discuss the latest developments as well as any changes that need to be made to current work practices so we can continue to deliver exceptional service to our clients.

Some of the ongoing actions we are taking include:

  • Conversations with carriers regarding how COVID-19 will affect student health insurance plans
  • Ongoing analysis of waiver & enrollment data to provide updates on how these are affected
  • Updates and insights through our newsletter series
  • Discussions with clients surrounding their response and how we can support  
  • Virtual support at student orientation either through a live webinar or pre-recorded video

A few of the steps we have already taken include:

  • Coordinated with carriers to add COVID-19 updates on each college and university website
  • Conducted internal training on how to answer questions around the testing and treatment of COVID-19
  • Ensured access to telemedicine programs so students can receive 24/7 remote medical care
  • Developed a contingency plan for AHP employees to work remotely to continue service and protect the health of our employees
  • Provided access to an AHP Care Hotline through our Student Assistance Program to support students through this stressful time

We want you to know our plans cover your students whether they are on campus or remotely studying from home. Remember, our team is just a call away.  Please let us know if we can support in any way.

Terry Lyons - Academic HealthPlans CEO

Terry Lyons
President / CEO

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